21 Questions to ask a woman business owner about her business

I was recently invited to join a group convened by Realize Change, where Sarah Beller brought together women and nonbinary folks who had completed her Changemakers Circle.

To set the tone for the rest of the rest of the sessions, Sarah graciously opened up the floor (or rather, Zoom grid) to questions in an Ask Me Anything format. Before I started my business, maybe I wouldn’t have known what to ask. My questions might’ve been more basic. Or maybe I would’ve asked one-and-done.

Instead, I found that I was overflowing. It’s amazing the inspiration that comes from being a part of a supportive and encouraging space. Since I (obviously) couldn’t ask all of them in the 30 minutes left on the call, I offer these so that when you have the chance to talk to a women in business, you seize the chance to have a window into her world by asking a thoughtful, interesting question.

  1. What are your business glimmers?

  2. How do you celebrate your work wins?

  3. What was the tipping point that pushed you to start your business?

  4. How did you define success at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey? How do you define it now?

  5. How did you navigate the technical aspect of setting up a business?

  6. If you wrote a business book, what would the title be?

  7. What do you love about your business?

  8. How have you and those around you grown throughout the life of your business?

  9. If you could redesign how business works, what would you do?

  10. Who do you go to for advice when you encounter a tricky business situation?

  11. What are you the most proud of as an entrepreneur?

  12. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

  13. What passion project would you like to tackle?

  14. Where do you seek inspiration?

  15. How do you take care of your mental health while running a business?

  16. What have you learned about yourself through the process of starting a business?

  17. If you could do absolutely anything in your business without money being a factor, what would it be?

  18. Who do you go to when you have good news about your business?

  19. What boundaries have you needed to establish in your life to protect your working and nonworking time?

  20. If you could have a business lunch with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and where would you go?

  21. When you dream about your business, what do you see?


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